Find out how Selectika and agency DataLemon used Stape’s Data Tag to get improvements in onboarding efficiency and cost saving on infrastructure.
Learn how to make your tracking HIPAA compliant using server-side tracking and Stape Anonymizer power-up.
Here you can find a step-by-step guide on how to set up Adform tag for your server-side Google Tag Manager container and a description of the tag.
Learn easy steps to identify and filter out spam traffic in GA4 using Stape's bot detection power-up, ensuring cleaner, more reliable analytics.
This blog post provides practical tips to enhance data management and analytics by building a custom CDP and enriching event data utilizing server GTM.
Discover tips for efficient debugging and monitoring server-side tracking setups, ensuring accurate data collection.
In this article Obsidian Digital explored the implementation of server-side tagging and it resulted in significant gains for Workwear Group.
Here’s how to set up CJ server-side tracking with server Google Tag Manager container. Keep accurate track of your affiliate marketing performance!
Explore the impact of third-party cookie deprecation on affiliate marketing and how server-side tracking can help.
Learn how to set up server-to-server tracking in the server Google Tag Manager, as well as its benefits and possibilities.
Learn about Google Consent Mode v2 platform and whether it impacts server-side tracking.
Check out how MecShopping took advantage of Server-Side tracking and obtained doubled results thanks to Consent Mode.
Find out how Decathlon Italy optimized customer journey thanks to Google Analytics 4 and Server-Side Tracking.
A guide on how deal with IP addresses when using Own CDN.
Here, we will show how to set up consent management for server-side Google Analytics 4 and Facebook Conversions API.
A step-by-step guide on how to send data to Microsoft Ads (Bing) Offline Conversion using Server Google Tag Manager Container.
This article will discuss how to set cookieless Google Analytics 4 tracking using the server Google Tag Manager.
In this blog post we’ll talk about how to use Yahoo Conversion API and describe the main points of the setup.
Find out how server-side tracking helped to optimize advertising campaigns and created cross-selling and up-selling strategies for Farmasave.
Find out how FAI achieves +128% increase from digital advertising thanks to server implementation of Google Analytics 4.
In this article, we'll walk you through setting up the server-to-server Voyado tracking using server Google Tag Manager.
Learn how to maximize your advertising ROI by implementing server-side Google Ads tracking on your Shopify store.
Learn how to set up LinkedIn Conversion API using the server Google Tag Manager.
Discover the difference in Facebook ads results when using the Facebook Conversion API compared to Pixel-only tracking.
How the results of Google Ads 360 campaigns improved after migrating from web to server-side Floodlight tracking.