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About us

Stape started in 2020 as hosting for server-side tagging. We wanted to implement server-side tracking on our sites and our client’s sites and found no easy way to do that without clear documentation on how to set it up. We decided to build a tool that will simplify server-side tracking.Since then, we have started building an infrastructure for server-side tracking. We have created custom scripts, tags, and plugins that help website owners and marketers to set up server-side tracking.We also started a community, blog, and YouTube channel that will help to answer questions that our users have about server-side tracking.


901 N Market Street, Suite 100, Wilmington, 19801, DE


01054 Ivana Franka str. 20-B


Sepapaja tn 6, Tallinn 15551

Meet the team

Host your GTM server at Staperight now!