With our 100% European-owned cloud servers for sGTM, you can use Google Analytics in a GDPR-compliant way.
Try for freeStape Europe is a 100% European company that does not share your users' data with any US companies.
Stape Europe uses 100%-European cloud server provider Scaleway for hosting your Google Tag Manager server container.
Use the sGTM interface as an extra layer to further protect your clients' privacy by cutting down on data that may identify them.
You are not allowed to share data about your customers with any US company, including Google Analytics
Using an EU-owned and hosted proxy server is a GDPR-compliant way to use Google Analytics
Besides using an EU proxy-server, you should cut all PII that can be used to identify or fingerprint users
EU servers and EU company
Visitors’ IP addresses are shortened
Deletion of the referring site information
Deletion of all parameters contained in the collected URLs
Remove all information for fingerprint
Remove cross-site identifiers
Remove PII
EU Server
Create a Google Tag Manager server container and select manually provision tagging server
Copy container config from sGTM and paste into container setting on stape.io
Then, all it takes is some magic on our side and your sGTM container is live.
You must prevent access of US intelligence services (including Google Analytics) to the personal data of European users. Stape Europe is a European company that uses a European cloud server provider to run your server GTM container. But only using Stape Europe for sGTM won't make your Google Analytics GDPR compliant. You also need to pseudoanonimise user data before sending it to GA - this needs to be done manually using the server GTM interface.
There are three zones - Amsterdam (Netherlands), Warsaw (Poland), and Paris (France). We are looking to expand zones in the nearest future.
It means that you should remove any personal identifiers that can be used to identify a particular user. The list of user identifiers might be set on a country level, so please check your country's regulations and talk with your lawyers. Usually, it includes user IP, user ID, URL parameters, browser, device, referral site, etc.