Try for free
Telegram tag
FreesGTM tags

Telegram tag

Set up a Telegram tag for the Google Tag Manager server container to send the information straight from your site to the Telegram channel.

Supabase Writer tag
FreesGTM tags

Supabase Writer tag

Set up Supabase Writer tag for Google Tag Manager server-side container.

Affiliate Conversion tag
FreesGTM tags

Affiliate Conversion tag

Set up server-side Affiliate conversion tracking using sGTM. tag
FreesGTM tags tag

Set up tag for Google Tag Manager server-side container.



This power-up is used when you need to get XML data inside the server Google Tag Manager. For instance, some platforms can send...

Request Delay

Request Delay

Request Delay power-up allows you to delay requests from 15 minutes to 1500 minutes. To create a delay for the request, you should send...

Taboola tag
FreesGTM tags

Taboola tag

Stape created a Taboola tag for the the server-side Google Tag Manager container that helps to set up server-side Taboola integration.

SendGrid tag
FreesGTM tags

SendGrid tag

Set up Sendgrid tag for Google Tag Manager server-side container.

Mailgun tag
FreesGTM tags

Mailgun tag

Set up Mailgun tag for Google Tag Manager server-side container.

Multiple server locations
Stape benefit

Multiple server locations

Stape offers several sGTM server locations and constantly expands the list to make sure it fits customers' needs.



Use this power-up to send a request on a defined schedule. Request can be sent: once a day at a specified time once an hour...

Slack tag
FreesGTM tags

Slack tag

Server-side Slack tag allows you to send any information about user actions on your site to a channel in Slack.

Brevo tag
FreesGTM tags

Brevo tag

We created a Brevo tag for the server Google Tag Manager container which allows tracking page view, events, link clicking and identifying the user. It offers a wide range of abilities for...

Leadfeeder IP-enrich variable
FreeGTM variables

Leadfeeder IP-enrich variable

Uncover company information related to an IPv4 or IPv6 address with our variable - Leadfeeder IP-Enrich.

Stape benefit


Stape's server Google Tag Manager hosting infrastructure scales and adapts to your traffic volume.

Type Convertor variable
FreeGTM variables

Type Convertor variable

Type Convertor Variable for server Google Tag Manager is useful when you have data in one type but need...

Open Container for Bot Index

Open Container for Bot Index

By default, gtm.js is blocked for bots. If you enable this power-up, your GTM script will be opened for the bots index.

Facebook Offline Conversion tag
FreesGTM tags

Facebook Offline Conversion tag

Increase your FB campaign results and improve attribution by sending data to Facebook Offline Conversion using server-side Google Tag Manager container.

FreeStape benefit


By utilizing your Stape Own CDN, you can route the server GTM tagging URL via the same IP address your site uses. This ensures that the IPs for your sGTM URL and website are identical. As a result, WebKit will not shorten the duration of first-party cookies...

Voyado tag
FreesGTM tags

Voyado tag

Find out how to benefit from the server-side integration and how to set up a Voyado tag in your server Google Tag Manager container.

CJ tag
FreesGTM tags

CJ tag

Stape created a CJ tag for the server Google Tag Manager container that helps with accurate affiliate tracking.

FreeStape benefit


IOS SDK from Stape allows sending events from iOS apps to server-side Google Tag Manager containers.

Stape Store Lookup variable
FreeGTM variables

Stape Store Lookup variable

Quickly get data from the database with Stape Store Lookup Variable.

Android SDK
FreeStape benefit

Android SDK

Android SDK from Stape allows sending events from Android apps to server-side Google Tag Manager containers.

FreeStape benefit


PHP SDK from Stape allows sending events from PHP to server-side Google Tag Manager containers.

Stape Store reStore variable
FreeGTM variables

Stape Store reStore variable

Write and get data at the same time with the Stape Store reStore Variable.

Node.js SDK
FreeStape benefit

Node.js SDK

Node.js SDK from Stape allows sending events from Node.js to server-side Google Tag Manager containers.

Stape Store Writer tag
FreesGTM tags

Stape Store Writer tag

With Stape Store Writer tag you can easily store your authorization keys and other useful data for tracking in just a few clicks.

Bot detection

Bot detection

Bot detection power-up checks if each Incoming Request inside the server Google Tag Manager is from a bot or not.

Dedicated IP
Stape benefit

Dedicated IP

Get a dedicated IP for all outgoing requests: use a unique, static IP address to send data while maintaining security and consistency.

Request a solution

It's our goal to offer personalized solutions. If you did not find the one you need, let us know! We'll be adding more solutions based on customer requests, which means that the Stape app will continue to grow and evolve along with your needs. To contact us, send an email to

We have more than 100 000 happy clients

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