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Jul 19, 2024

What is Protected Audience API?

Learn what Protected Audience API is, how it changes online advertising and how first-party data can help.

Jul 4, 2024

GA4 and Google Ads enhanced conversions tracking setup guide

Learn about Enhanced Conversions in Google Analytics 4 and Google Ads: what they are, tracking setup guide, usage tips, key benefits, and common questions answered.

Jun 7, 2024

Unassigned and not set traffic source in GA4

Discover what Unassigned and not set Traffic means in Google Analytics 4, how to prevent it, and strategies to resolve it.

May 28, 2024

Write data to BigQuery from Google Analytics 4

Find out about two ways of exporting data from Google Analytics 4 to BigQuery: using tag Write to BigQuery and through Google Analytics 4 admin.

Apr 15, 2024

Profit Over Ad Spend based tracking for Google Ads and Google Analytics

Learn how to send value to Google Ads and Google Analytics to enable Profit Over Ad Spend based campaigns.

Mar 14, 2024

Filtering spam in GA4 with Stape's Bot detection power-up

Learn easy steps to identify and filter out spam traffic in GA4 using Stape's bot detection power-up, ensuring cleaner, more reliable analytics.

Dec 5, 2023

Case Study: MecShopping doubled from 24% to 50% with user tracking consent

Check out how MecShopping took advantage of Server-Side tracking and obtained doubled results thanks to Consent Mode.

Dec 5, 2023

Case study: Decathlon Italy increases conversion rate of Facebook Ads campaigns and optimizes customer journey thanks to GA4 and Server-Side Tracking

Find out how Decathlon Italy optimized customer journey thanks to Google Analytics 4 and Server-Side Tracking.

Nov 6, 2023

Cookieless GA4 tracking using server GTM

This article will discuss how to set cookieless Google Analytics 4 tracking using the server Google Tag Manager.

Nov 1, 2023

Case Study: Fondo per l’Ambiente Italiano (FAI) achieves a +128% increase in memberships from digital advertising thanks to the implementation of GA4

Find out how FAI achieves +128% increase from digital advertising thanks to server implementation of Google Analytics 4.

Jul 11, 2023

The smart way to anonymize user data and use consent mode in Google Analytics 4 using GEO headers

Learn how to improve data quality after implementing consent mode and anonymization using Stape’s GEO headers power-up.

Jul 4, 2023

Significant Fines Imposed by Swedish Data Protection Agency for Inadequate Measures in Google Analytics Use

Significant Fines Imposed by Swedish Data Protection Agency for Inadequate Measures in Google Analytics Use.

Apr 18, 2023

Google Analytics 4 Advanced tag for sGTM

In this blog post, you will find out how to set up Google Analytics 4 Advanced tag for your server-side Google Tag Manager container and its use cases.

Apr 13, 2023

How to increase first-party cookie lifetime set by a third-party IP (Safari 16.4 and ITP update)

Learn how you can use Stape's Cookie Keeper to increase first-party cookie lifetime set by third-party IPs in Safari 16.4 and other browsers using ITP.

Mar 28, 2023

Server-side Google Analytics 4 for WordPress

In this guide, find out how to set up server-side Google Analytics 4 for WordPress using GTM server-side plugin by Stape.

Sep 15, 2022

Ecooking, Obsidian Digital & Stape: Measuring 53 % more value in Google Ads with server-side tracking

Danish E-commerce company Ecooking and agency Obsidian Digital used Stape to increase measureable conversions in Google Ads by 53% - enabling growth by properly identifying profitable campaigns that were not looking so with limited tracking because of ITP and Adblockers.

Sep 6, 2022

EU-owned proxy server for sGTM or how to use Google Analytics GDPR compliant way

Learn how to use Google Analytics in a GDPR-compliant way with our new 100% European server GTM hosting.

Nov 30, 2021

Track user source/medium flow using server Google Tag Manager

This post will cover the use of a custom tag for the google tag manager server container to track users first, last, and all in between source/mediums.

Feb 6, 2021

3 Easy Steps to Test Server-Side GA4 and Facebook Conversion API

Google released a Server-Side version of Google Tag Manager in 2020. Server-side tracking is more complicated than the web container set up, at least for now, since the idea and technology behind server tagging are entirely different from what we used to have on the web. But server-side tagging will give your site huge benefits. Server-side tagging is getting more popular due to its ability to track people using AdBlockers, browsers with ITPs, and other tracking restrictions. The purpose of this article is not to convince you to start using server-side tagging (there is another blog post that describes the main benefits of server-side tracking). I assume that you’ve already decided to implement server-side tagging on your site. This blog post will show you how to check whether Server-Side tracking for GA4 and Facebook conversion API was set up correctly.

Jan 22, 2021

Server-side conversion tracking in Google Ads (Adwords)

Want to track the results of your Google Ads (AdWords) campaigns? Then you need to see what users were doing on the site after they clicked on your ad. The typical user actions include submitting a contact form, adding something to a cart, or completing a purchase. What if you decided to move your tracking to a server-side? In this article, I’ll show you how to set up Google Ads (AdWords) conversion tracking using Google Ads tag for the Google Tag Manager server container.

Dec 24, 2020

How to prevent your Google Analytics data from being blocked by ad blockers

You’ve probably noticed that data about your website users and conversions collected by different analytics tools might vary. Most of the time, you’ll see that the purchase number in Google Analytics is lower than in your CRM. Where this data discrepancy comes from, why is it happening, and how to fix it?

Nov 25, 2020

How to send all GA event data to your URL/Site/CRM

A common issue for data analytics and sales managers is the accurate tracking of user behavior and conversions. And often, they might face a problem that seems to have no solution. Or alternatively, there are no developers who can do this, and the next update of the site is planned only for next month.

Nov 22, 2020

How to Filter Google Analytics Spam With the Help of Google Tag Manager Server-Side Tagging

What if you are faced with spam in Google Analytics reports? Does it mean that someone can access your Google Analytics accounts? Or maybe someone can modify data inside your GA? How can you prevent it? There are two main types of Measurement Protocol spam: referral traffic and events spam. More rarely you can see spam in languages, keywords, URLs, transactions, and so on. In this article, I will explain what Measurement Protocol spam is and how you can prevent it with the help of Google Tag Manager Server-Side tagging.

Nov 12, 2020

How to Set Up GA4 Tracking Using Google Tag Manager Server-Side Container

In this article, I will describe the advantages of using GA4 and GTM server tagging. You can use it as a step-by-step guide on how to send events to GA4 via the GTM server container. As for eCommerce/enhanced eCommerce, I will cover it in another article.

Host your GTM server at Staperight now!