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Server-side tracking for Bloomreach

Sep 10, 2024
Aug 23, 2024

Setting up server-side tracking along with client-side tracking for Bloomreach has many benefits, such as higher data accuracy, ad blocker protection, and security. However, the Bloomreach platform is pretty hard to work with, and such kind of setup may be challenging.

In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up server-side tracking for Bloomreach, so you can start reaping the benefits.

Advantages of server-side tracking for Bloomreach

Server-side tagging enables Google Tag Manager users to incorporate server-side measurement tags alongside the client-side tags. When used together, server-side and client-side tracking provides a lot of benefits compared to using only client-side tags:

  • More accurate data. Server-side tracking helps reduce data loss due to ad blockers and browser restrictions, resulting in higher data quality.
  • Enhanced security. Website visitor data is more securely protected by gathering and distributing it in a server-side environment.
Find out more about the benefits of server-side tracking in our blog post.

What you need to configure data sending to server-side GTM

How to set up server-side tracking for Bloomreach

Note: below, we describe the bare minimum you need to configure server-side tracking for Bloomreach. Please, let us know in the comment section if you would like to learn more about the configuration process.

Configure Tag for the web container

1.1 In your web container, go to the “Templates” section → click “New”.

Add new tag template to GTM web container

1.2 Click “Import” → add the template you downloaded from GitHub. Click “Save’.

Import Bloomreach tag template

1.3 Go to the “Tags” section → click “New” → choose “Bloomreach Engagement” tag type.

Bloomreach Engagement tag type

1.4 Configure the tag as it is shown in the screenshot below

To find the project token go to the Bloomreach admin → in the top right corner click “Project settings” → Access management (on the left-hand side menu) → API section.

The API endpoint URL is located in the same section as the project token and is called the “API Base URL.”

Bloomreach Engagement tag configuration

1.5 Add a trigger to the tag.

The type of trigger should be “Page View,” and the tag should fire on “All Page Views”.

Trigger configuration for Bloomreach tag

Configure Client for server container

2.1 in your server GTM container, go to the section “Templates” → click “New”.

Add new client template to GTM server container

2.2 Click “Import” → add the client template you downloaded from GitHub.

Click “Save’.

Import Bloomreach Client template

2.3 Then you need to go to the “Clients” section → click “New” → choose “Bloomreach Engagement” client type.

Bloomreach Engagement client type

2.4 Configure the Client as shown in the screenshot below.

You can find the project token in the Bloomreach admin → in the top right corner, click “Project settings” → Access management (on the left-hand side menu) → API section.

The API endpoint is located in the same section as the project token and is called the “API Base URL.”

Click “Save”.

Bloomreach Engagement client configuration

2.5 Publish changes.

Change target URL

As the final configuration step, you need to change the target URL in the Bloomreach Engagement initialization script. The target URL should be changed to the custom domain for server-side GTM, which can be found in the Stape admin account (see the instructions below).

Change target URL Bloomreach Engagement initialization script

To find the custom domain for server-side GTM, go to the sGTM container → Settings section → Domains (Tagging Server URLs).

Domain name in Stape admin

Verify the setup

You can check whether everything works using the Explonea Chrome extension.

Open Exponea Chrome extension

The plugin should show no errors, and the value for the customer’s cookie ID should be in the section “Customer.”


To set up server-side tracking for Bloomreach, you need to have a web container and create a server GTM container. The setup requires configuring a Tag for the web GTM container and a Client for a server container. Such a combination of client-side and server-side tracking provides the following benefits: faster website load, enhanced data security, and higher data accuracy.

If you’ve got any problems with configuring server-side tracking for Bloomreach, feel free to contact our support team.

Tagged with:gtm server

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