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[Google updates] Server-side tagging available for mobile apps

Oct 22, 2024

In the past, mobile app tracking primarily relied on client-side solutions. WIth the traditional method, you would send user data directly from the app to analytics platforms. Now, Google Tag Manager has introduced server-side tagging for mobile apps.

Benefits you’ll get with the update:

  • To have enhanced control over data and significantly improves user privacy;
  • To manage and enrich the data your app sends to tools like Google Analytics, ensuring that sensitive user information remains secure and complies with regulations like GDPR;
  • To report mobile app events to any destination supported by server GTM.

Implementation process

Before you start:

  • Integrate the Firebase SDK and connect it to GA4.
  • Make sure you have a server GTM container hosted

The setup includes the following steps:

  1. Mobile app preparation for server-side tagging.
  2. Server container configuration for mobile traffic.
  3. GA4 property server-side tagging activation.

Learn the step-by-step setup flow in the developers' guide from Google

To sum up

With server-side tagging for mobile apps  you can deliver better analytics while ensuring user data remains safe.

Stay tuned for an upcoming detailed guide on setting up mobile app tracking from Stape experts, providing further insights and practical steps to implement mobile app tracking. 


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