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Chrome is moving towards a new experience that lets people make an informed choice with respect to third-party cookies

Jan 27, 2025
Oct 14, 2024

As of October 7, 2024, we noticed a message in the console: Chrome is moving towards a new experience that lets people make an informed choice with respect to third-party cookies.

Chrome is moving towards a new experience that lets people make an informed choice with respect to third-party cookies

Looks like nothing has changed from the previous update for users and advertisers yet. 

We still advise you to set first-party cookies and prolong cookie lifetime. 

Read more details about previous messages and announcements from Google in our news post on “Third-party cookie will be blocked in Chrome versions as part of Privacy Sandbox”. There we discussed in detail how to proceed with Chrome's Privacy Sandbox updates, described the useful tips on setting up first-party cookies from your domain and how to prolong cookie lifetime.

What is known for sure

Instead of fully eliminating third-party cookies, as originally planned, Google is now announcing and “hinting” on a new feature that allows users to make informed choices about how these cookies are used. Definitely, this new experience will apply across their entire browsing experience, not on a site-by-site basis, and users will be able to adjust their preferences at any time.

This change comes after years of delays and feedback from privacy advocates, regulators, and industry stakeholders. Google aims to strike a balance between supporting user privacy and maintaining a competitive digital advertising ecosystem. The new controls will be part of broader privacy initiatives, such as the Privacy Sandbox, which aims to replace cookies with less invasive tracking technologies, but concerns remain about Google's dominance in the advertising market and the potential limitations of these alternatives.

We’ll keep you posted on what Google will introduce next in privacy tools, server-side tracking innovations, and the latest changes affecting your analytics setup. Whether it’s updates about Chrome’s third-party cookie policy or new ways to optimize your data flow, you won’t miss anything with Stape :) 


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