
Reddit Conversion API Tag for server Google Tag Manager

Apr 11, 2024
Aug 1, 2023
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Reddit has emerged as a prominent platform for driving valuable conversions. With the Reddit Conversion API Tag, you can effectively track and measure the performance of your marketing campaigns using server-to-server integration. 

In this article, we will guide you through the process of setting up the Reddit Conversion API Tag for a server Google Tag Manager (GTM). This will help you gain valuable insights into your Reddit marketing efforts and optimize your strategies accordingly.

How to set up Reddit CAPI tagCopy link to this section

2. Send data to sGTM. You can use GA4, Webhooks, or Data Tag/Data Client.

3. Download the Reddit Conversion API tag from GitHub. Open the sGTM template section -> click three dots in the top right corner ->  Click import -> upload the tag you recently downloaded from GitHub, and click Save. 

reddit tag

4. Create a new tag and select Reddit Tag

reddit tag - stape

Event Name Setup Method - select from a list of standard events, add a custom event, or choose to Inherit an event name from a client. When Inherit from client is selected, the Reddit CAPI tag will try to map events automatically into standard events or use a custom name if it’s impossible to map into a starred event. 

Reddit Refresh Token - getting a refresh token is a bit more complex as it involves Reddit's OAuth 2.0 authentication flow. You'll need to authorize your application to access your Reddit account. This typically involves making a request to Reddit's OAuth URL and then extracting the code from the response. You can use this code to make another request to obtain the refresh token.

Redditt Client ID - after the application on Reddit is created, you'll see a string under the name of your app. This string is your Client ID.

Client Secret - below the Client ID, you'll find your Client Secret. It’s labeled as "secret".

Account ID - Reddit account ID is the same as username.

With the Reddit CAPI tag you can also edit and send the fields Common Event Data Override, Server Event Data Override and User Data.

reddit tag

Specify which parameters you want to exclude or override:

  • Reddit click ID
  • Event time
  • Conversion ID
  • Currency 
  • Items count
  • Products 
  • Value
  • Value Decimal 
  • IP Adress
  • Email 
  • External ID
  • Idfa
  • Aaid
  • Opt-out
  • User agent
  • Screen dimensions

ConclusionCopy link to this section

The Reddit tag is designed to enhance advertising effectiveness, and build more robust data-driven strategies.  It's essential to ensure you set up and maintain the integration correctly to get the most from its potential. We hope that this step-by-step guide on how to set up the Reddit CAPI tag helped you to implement the tag without any problems.

Remember that the digital marketing landscape is dynamic and evolving constantly, so make sure to keep up with the latest trends and advancements for the most effective strategies. You are welcome in our blog!

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