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Private Multi Account Cluster for Conversions API Gateway

Sep 10, 2024
Jun 21, 2023
Also available in

The Meta Conversions API Gateway provides the simplest method to incorporate the Conversions API on your website. You just need a properly functioning Meta pixel. Once that's in place, create a CAPIG hub and link it to the Meta Pixel. With Stape, this entire process takes less than a minute.

The Meta CAPI Gateway is affordable and quick to set up, taking only a minute. The monthly subscription fees are also reasonable. With Stape, there are two subscription plans to pick from:

  • Pay-as-you-go costs $10/month per pixel and includes 10 million monthly events per pixel.
  • Unlimited costs $100/month plan and includes 200 million monthly events. 

Another version of the CAPI Gateway is the Private Multi Account Cluster, which is ideal for large agencies and businesses. It links data sources from various Meta Business Accounts to a single Gateway instance. Each Business Account's data remains distinct and protected. Without authorization, neither other Business Accounts nor the main instance can access it. This guarantees the secure and efficient use of the cloud platform.

Benefits of Private Multi-Account Cluster

  • Ensure optimal data routing for each website. You can configure a custom domain for each website, enabling advanced matching, attributing more conversions, and improving ad relevance.
  • Predictable price. Pay a flat fee of $500 monthly for up to 1 billion requests.
  • Select from up to 25 server locations.
  • Connect an unlimited number of pixels located in the different Facebook Business Managers.
  • Manage access for each account/website individually. 

How it looks like

When you go to your Conversions API Gateway environment, you might notice “Manage accounts” in the left menu.

conversions api gateway environment

Once you click on it, decide what account you want to add.

multiple account in gateway

Don’t forget to Confirm your settings and click Continue.

authentication in meta conversions api gateway

Then, you can go to “Data routing” to test if data routing has been optimized.

data routing in meta conversions api gateway


If you run an agency or a large business, contact our sales to discuss the possibilities of a multiuser Conversions API Gateway hub. Prices start at $500 monthly, and you’ll receive countless benefits!


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