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MeasureCamp Helsinki 2024

Mar 29, 2024
Mar 25, 2024

On March 23, 2024 Stape visited Helsinki for MeasureCamp! We were more than happy to serve as silver sponsors for this much-anticipated event.

MeasureCamp Helsinki 2024 - Stape

MeasureCamp, renowned for its unique 'unconference' format, brought together a diverse group of analytics and measurement professionals, and Stape was right in the thick of it, contributing to the day's success.

There were lots of engaging and informative sessions, and we also gave a presentation on "sGTM vs. CAPI Gateway". This session, highlighting the latest advancements in server-side tracking, was particularly well-received, shedding light on the intricacies of data collection and analysis (p.s. thanks for the stars!!).

MeasureCamp Helsinki 2024 - Stape

One of the most heartening aspects of MeasureCamp Helsinki was the opportunity for Stape's team to reconnect with old friends and forge new connections. The event served as an excellent platform for networking, allowing us to discuss challenges, share success stories, and explore future collaborations.

MeasureCamp Helsinki 2024 - Stape

Looking ahead, Stape extends an invitation to all of you to attend future MeasureCamps. As a company at the forefront of server-side tracking solutions, we will continue to provide valuable insights and solutions in upcoming events. 

Join us in this journey of learning, networking, and growth. Keep an eye out for Stape's next destination in the MeasureCamp series and be part of this evolving digital analytics community!

Host your GTM server at Staperight now!