There are several reasons why you want to consider moving the hosting of your server Google Tag Manager container from Google Cloud to
Here are some benefits of using Stape:
We have a more detailed description of the stape benefits here. In this blog post, I want to show how to switch sGTM hosting from Google Cloud to
1. Export the existing sGTM container (hosted on Google Cloud) and import it into a new container (hosted on
1.1 Open the Admin tab of the sGTM container hosted on the Google Cloud and click Export Container.
1.2 Create a new server container with a manually configured tagging server. For a more detailed description of setting up an sGTM container with a manually configured tagging server, follow the steps from this blog post.
1.3 Import container settings.
1.4 Update DNS settings. When you’ve set up a custom subdomain on Google Cloud, you’ve added A and AAAA settings. For, you should set only A record. That is why when transferring sGTM from Google Cloud to stape, you need to remove the AAAA record and change the IP address for the A record.
2. Another way is to use the existing sGTM container.
2.1 Open sGTM container settings and copy Container Configuration.
2.2 Paste Container Configuration into your sGTM container settings.
2.3 Update A record for your custom subdomain and remove the AAAA record (if you set it up for Google Cloud).
Do not forget to turn off the GCP project. Because otherwise, you will still be billed for the GCP.
Follow the steps to delete a Google Cloud Project:
1. Go to
2. Select your project (from drop-down on top nav-bar).
3. Select IAM & Admin (from hamburger menu on top-left nav-bar).
4. Click Settings in the left-side-bar nav.
5. Click SHUT DOWN.
6. Enter text per instructions to confirm project shutdown.
And that's it.
All it takes is a few simple questions. Click Get A Quote, fill-up the form, and we will send you a quote.